It has been lucia and of course we celebrated it here in Lanzarote.
In the middle of all the rehearsals for our new christmas show we were planning this lucia celebration here at flamingo beach. All of us were having a train around the hotel and a lot of guests were joining in. We were singing some lucia songs in all the scandinavian languages up on the stage and we had glögg and gingerbread in the bar! It ended up very good and was a very nice lucia day for all of us!

Now the rehearsals for the christmas show continues and hopefully we can have our premiere on wednesday thats also my birthday :). Tomorrow we are dress hunting :)


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It's the second week in December and the time does fly by. We are working so hard right now to get everything in place and we are also rehearsing a whole new show that we are creating ourselves. That's why the blog has been down a little bit!
We are making a big christmas show that we will have here at christmas eve :). We are putting songs together, fixing props, clothes, choreography and harmonies. It will be amazing! Can't wait to show this for an audience!
Hope all of you are in the same christmas spirit as we are :).


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Have now been back in Lanzarote for around 2 weeks and we've been working so hard. I'm so proud of my team that has done the best to make backstage and all the shows the best! Now everything is set, but now all the rehearsing for christmas, Lucia and new years starts. It's so exciting!!

Today it is the first advent and we are lightening the first candle. Time goes so fast. Reallu Still celebrating christmas in a swedish way, even though I'm in Lanzarote. 


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Been in Tenerife for 3 weeks now and did my last show here tonight, which was ratpack. It went really well and tomorrow it's time to back to Lanzarote. First show will be Euphoria on Saturday :).
Can't wait :)

Goodnight, up in 4 hours :)


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So it's 42 days til christmas Eve and I have now started to listen to christmas music. I like to think that i've been good with it this year. I normally start in the end of September, so this is late. I know tho that I'm a little bit crazy, but that's just who I am :)
Any more christmas freaks out there? :)
What music is the best? What gifts to buy? What to bake and cook?
Some people call it stressful - I call it peaceful, and common.. It's the best time of the year :).

I'm gonna have one more year were i celebrate christmas in a special way. Not the way I'm used to and It's hard to accept that I'm not gonna be around snow and that it's not gonna be dark all the time. That's one of the things about Christmas! My christmastree will maybe be a palmtree? :)
BUT, me and my love are gonna make this the best special christmas!!

How are you celebrating this year? :)

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So it's thursday and I have one week to go here in Tenerife before i go back to Lanzarote. Today we are gonna be pirates and go treasure hunting in the pool, we are gonna meet bamse and his friends, sing in the restaurant and then we are gonna finish of with the 80s show forever young. So we have a good day ahead :).
Have got a cold tho that I'm struggeling with though so hope it will go as quick as possible.

Hope for a good day for everyone 


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It's been some busy 2 weeks here at Tenerife. Have been working around 12 hours a day and now I'm totally knackered. 
It has been so much fun tho to be back doing this great shows again :). Miss the stage and the hotel in Lanzarote tho ;).

Have done all the shows one time and now it's one week left and then i Will be back! :).

We had a day off yesterday and we went on road trip to the capital of Tenerife - Santa cruz. We went just for shopping... and yes.. we did a lot of shopping. Don't wanna think about how much we spend all together. Had to take the opportunity to go to Primark and H&M while i was here, as we don't have these shops in Lanzarote :).
Found a lot of Christmas stuff and that makes me in the mood for december now. Give it to me :).

Soon of to work and the ratpack show is waiting :).


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Bought a new schampoo, conditioner and hair mask the other day from the brand Sebastian. Absolutely amazing! Been happy with the schampoo from goldwell that i've been using for a while but wanted to try something new. 

What's your personal favorite? 


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So now I'm in Tenerife for 3 weeks, working at Riu Buena vista for 2entertain :). My first show is on wednesday so now it's studying and rehearsals going on!!. Can't wait to start and the team are very nice. Bring it on Tenerife ;)


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My amazing friends Michelle and Andy and their collegues got here this weekend, all the way from Kos. They are gonna be here for one month and start and fix everything at the hotel so it's ready when we are gonna start in November. Haven't met them for a very long time so it's been some very happy days. 

Their premiere of the 80's show was yesterday and of course i was their to support. They were absolutely amazing!! Well done!
Can't wait til I'm gonna do this shows again. Just 5 days til I'm in Tenerife and then my premiere here in Lanzarote will be the 15th of november. Can't wait!
Still some rehearsing to do but then I'm ready :).


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So I've been back in Sweden for a week to visit my family. This was also the time when my sister at some point was gonnna give birth. So what happens? The baby come on the same night as I'm going back to Lanzarote. Didn't have any chance to see the baby at this point but hope I will as soon as possible.

Anyway, his name is Hugo and he's adorable. I'm now a proud aunt to two amazing boys :).

So now I'm back and I'm also reminded how hot it actually is here in Lanzarote. So sun sesh tomorrow? ;)
After been travelling the whole day and with only 4 hours sleep it's now time for me to say goodnight :)


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As I'm not gonna be in Sweden with my parents to celebrate christmas this year, me and my dad took the opportunity to cook a christmas dinner yesterday. I must say that i had a feeling of it being december and the snow was outside. Miss that SO much!

The dinner was lovely. anyone more than me that can't wait til christmas is here? You gotta love it!! :)


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Had a catch up with my family this weekend. Dinner, games and mojito is the perfect combination. And so so happy to see my sisters son again. He's just amazing!   

Me and my dad also took the opportunity to buy flowers to my lovely mum. She's worth all the love in the world, and also of buying them roses on ICA, you're donating money to the organization pink ribbon to fight breast cancer. That's amazing! Go to ICA and buy flowers and make someone happy :)
So glad i went home for a week to see everyone. But everything comes to and end and a week is enough when you're missing your man ;). One day to go ;)


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I've been back in Sweden this week to visit my family and friends, and it has been absolutely great! Been eating a lot of good food, catching up on everything.

Today we took a lovely trip over the bridge to Denmark and Copenhagen. The weather was good, we had a nice lunch and beer and we had of course time for some shopping as well :). And I've visited what I reckon is the biggest H&M ever. I was in heaven. That is absolutely a shop that we need in Lanzarote ;).

We finished off with a movie night and Tacos and now I'm exhausted so I'm heading for the bed.

Good night xx

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Hope all of you out there been having a great weekend.

I have had a special weekend with lots of different stuff happening. 
Girls night with beautiful Charlotte, dinner, games and drinks with my lovely man and have also booked some tickets to Sweden...already on tuseday. crazy!
Tonight i will be in Waikiki and tomorrow will be packing day! 
In need of a week with my family and friends and to shop some things from Sweden. Will be good, but will of course miss my prince. One day we will go there together :). 


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Now I'm gonna write about something that a lot of people are talking and writing about. Maybe it's a topic that you're quite tired of or maybe it's something that upsets you just as me.
Either way.

The last few weeks i have been helping out working in a bar and i've been starting to think about this a lot.
I can't believe how some men are objectifying women. Not all of them do but a lot of them! It's disqusting, dirty and horrible and I can't believe that this is how it looks like in year 2014. Didn't we get further than that?
I can't express how much nasty comments i get every day in work or even just walking on the street. Everything from how I look til actually taking the rights to touch me. Some are actually making sounds like you're doing towards dogs.  How can that be okay?
I'm sure it happens to men that's working in this kind of environment too but not half as much as to women. 
Both of my jobs are exposing but that doesn't mean that I'ts acceptable. We should NOT just accept it, ignore and move forward.
I'm sure it's very cliche to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway: Please girls, stand up for yourself and don't let anyone bring you down. Enough is enough!

Goodbye to all the haters


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I'm so happy that its working so good to call for free with apps like Viber, Skype and Facetime this days.
When you live so far away from your family and closest friends it's really needed to be able to keep in contact. 
Had a lovely chat with the best parents in the world today. Thank you for always supporting me and making me happy. I love you both and i hope i can get home for just some days to have this dinners that we are talking about. 

Love xxx

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Me and my boyfriend Steve had a day off the other night. We spend it in the absolute best way. Dinner and drinks!
We went to a lovely restaurant called La casa brigida, and it's placed in Marina rubicon in Playa Blanca. 

I ate King prawns with aspargus and cured ham. So great! 
Truly recommend it!


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Got a new pair for my selection.
Tried something new.

What do you think? :)


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This is where I'm working today. Not bad, right? ;)


Rehearsing the show "Rat pack" right now. A great show filled with jazz music. You gotta love it!


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Found some great stuff in Puerto del Carmen the other day. 
Need to share :)

Top and dress from Pink banana, skirt from Pimkie!


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I woke up today and i thought..what happened?
How could it go that wrong?
Disappointment and fear are my biggest emotions today.

It's double up. First of all - it's a shame that 8 years of trying to get Swedens on it's feet again it's just thrown away.

and the second thing that a lot of people is asking today - how could a party with racist views get that many votes?
I think that something we have forgot is that all these 13% that's been voting for SD is not racist. They want a change and they look at it as an easy option to vote for this party. We actually have a big problem in Sweden right now. We really need to fight against the racism. BUT... we need to start to open our eyes and think again. Why did this people vote like this?  Start to work with the problem we have  - integration and immigration politics!
Do not neglect 13% of the people, and do not hate! ask yourself instead - why and start to work against it. Remember that this is a democracy! 

and please get the alliance back! We need people that is willing to do something!

It's gonna be interesting to follow the politics in Sweden right now and one thing that's for sure.. it's not over yet!


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So.. I'm having a few weeks off so i'm spending this thursday night in front of the TV. Movies are on the list!

Need to recommend the great movie "The Internship". I'm sure that most of you have probably already seen it, but for you that knows Sarah...she is a bit late with this kind of stuff. But I'm catching up and i must say that its a lovely comedy and the context is -  follow your dream!
Just in my taste. 

A movie from 2013 with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. Watch it!


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Got a lot of great reactions of my new website. Thanks to everyone!! I'm really happy about how it looks right now and gonna write in my blog as much as i can!

Love to you all <3

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Hello peeps, 

Wanna share pictures of the lovely shoes i bought yesterday. I'm in love with them!! Really comfortable and doesn't cost a fortune.

For you Lanzarote people. Buy them at Fund Grube. 
They have their shops in all the canary islands. 

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New and fresh website is up. Translated to english and a completely new design! Enjoy :)

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Nu har jag kommit hem efter ca en veckas repperiod i Jönköping med nya jobbet. Har varit otroligt kul, svettigt och lärorikt! Mycket dans i dessa shower och en riktigt duktig koreograf vilket är riktigt kul.

Förutom dansträning hann vi med att sjunga en förmiddag, prova kostymer på kvällarna och en kväll tog vi oss till stan för att ta en drink. Då gick vi förbi båten "Saltkråkan" som alltså är orginalbåten från serien. Otroligt kul :)

Denna veckan latar jag mig mest för första gången på väldigt länge. Övar emellanåt men ser framförallt till att jag får mycket tid i soffan. Var längesen man var ledig så detta är välförtjänt!

Kommer ni ihåg serien Skilda världar som gick på 90-talet? Har köpt varje box sen dom började ge ut dom för några år sen. nu är det bara två kvar. sista kommer i augusti!
Man kan säga mycket om serien men en sak som är säker är att det är nostalgi till max. Jag och min syster satt alltid fastklistrade framför tvn varje vardag när vi var små för att följa detta drama :). 


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Det jag håller på med nu dagarna innan repperioden i Jönköping startar är att repa in allt material till showerna, så jag är väl förberedd när vi får all koreografi.

Jag lägger också mycket tid på träning just nu. Vädret här är så fint nu i stlutet på maj så jag passar på att springa mycket. 
Vem kan motstå detta?

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Ja nu är jag hemma i Sverige efter ungefär ett halvår på Lanzarote.
Det var min bästa säsong hitills. Jobbat med underbara människor, det var en bra scen, bra publik, bra hotell, underbart område och sist men absolut inte minst - jag träffade kärleken!

Har utvecklats otroligt mycket under dessa säsonger. Varit ett minne för livet.
Nu är det dock dags för nya äventyr.

Det är direkt dags att kasta sig in i nästa projekt - Shower på Leksands sommarland. Där kommer jag att jobba under sommaren med mina fantastiska kollegor Andreas och Kirsti! Kommer att bli ett toppenteam och en riktigt bra sommar. Premiär den 30e juni! Missa inte detta! Så nu repas det för fullt här hemma innan repveckan i Jönköping nästa vecka :).


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Ja, jag har ju inte skrivit något om Lanzarote än! Jag har tyvärr varit otroligt dålig med bloggandet. Är ledsen för detta!

Mycket har hänt sen jag kommit hit! Jag har jobbat mycket med teamet, för att få allting synkroniserat och så. Sen har vi bytt varietéartister två gånger. Nu har vi äntligen den vi ska ha ända fram till slutet - Marcus! Han är fantastisk! Han är så ambitiös och duktig!
Har också jobbat en del med en del i jobbet som vi kallar för "songs in the sun". Det är när vi sjunger på dagtid på poolscenen! Detta är oftast mycket uppskattat, och bra för oss att göra reklam för våra shower!

Andra saker som har hänt under denna tid är att jag har fått jobb under sommaren! Jag kommer jobba som showartist på Leksands sommarland. Känns mycket bra att ha ett jobb när man kommer hem till Sverige igen, och är så glad att detta är ett showjobb!

Har också kommit in på en sångpedagogsutbildning i köpenhamn, och på måndag ska jag söka till Wallmans, Mycket pirrigt! Har velat ha det jobbet sen jag såg en show där när jag var 10 år. Så det blir mycket press under min audition på måndag! Så kommer alltså åka hem till kalla Sverige igen under 2 dagar :). Önska mig lycka till!

Nu är det sovdags, och imorgon väntar övning för audition och bamsedag på jobbet :)


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