2016 > 10
It's less then a week until my parents, my aunt and one of my best friends arrive! Just counting down the days now and can't wait!
It's a lot of things that I want to have done before they get here, so this is quite a busy week so far :).
My body feels much better after being ill, but it seems like my voice doesn't want to get better. It's really hard at the moment to work and get better at the same time. Drinking tea with honey every night but it doesn't seem to help a lot.
Any other ideas and tips? Really need it to get better quickly!
Also need to give a shout out to the choir I was in when I lived in Helsingborg. The lovely "Pearls of the sound" has won the world champions in Barbershop in Las Vegas this morning! You're absolutely amazing and I'm so proud of you all! Wish I was there!
Have a great wednesday evening everyone, and for you that are living in Lanzarote - pop down to the Marea bar tonight and listen to some music and have some cocktails. Me & Andrea will be on stage from 9.30!.
Woke up much better today and I must say that I'm quite proud of myself that I've been taking care of myself so good. Normally when I'm ill i struggle to take it easy and take care of myself! This time I've been drinking loads of water and tea, and i slept good which made everything slowly disappear. So gone with the feeling - sorry - for -myself-days!!
Spending the day in and working by the computer as the weather is quite depressing today. Had time for a small lunch with Steve at the Ice House and will soon get ready for tonights gig in Puerto del Carmen!
Only have 3 gigs left at this place and will then move on to another venue, which I will tell you about in a couple of days :).
News of the day - Bob Dylan gets the Nobel Prize in litterature? He has done loads for the music and he's defintitely a legend, But has he ever written a book?
Happy for him, but surprised ;).
So this week didn't start like i wanted. I woke up on my day off and was really unwell with a horrible cold and bad throat! So the day off was basically a day in the sofa.
Been drinking loads of water, tea and honey and watched thousands of episodes of friends. Steve has been so great taking care of me!
So enough of the complaining!
Only 2 weeks till my parents and my aunt is visiting and I can't wait :)
Will be great to show the new house and spend time together in the sun!!
Don't forget to listen to my cover of Lady Gaga's "The Edge Of Glory" that i recorded the other day. Link in the end of the blog! Please like and share :)
Have a great time everyone and I will go back to my cup of tea!
Så denna veckan startade inte riktigt som jag ville. Vaknade upp på min lediga dag och var jättesjuk med förskylning och ont i halsen. Så typiskt! Så har spenderat hela dagen igår och idag i soffan. Har druckit massa vatten, te och honung, samt tittat på riktigt många avsnitt av serien vänner. Steve har tagit hand om mig riktigt väl!
Så nog av allt klagande!
Nu är det bara 2 veckor kvar tills mina föräldrar och min moster kommer på besök.Ser fram emot det extremt mycket. Kommer bli så kul att visa det nya huset och spendera tid tillsammans i solen.
Glöm inte att lyssna på min nya cover av Lady Gaga's "The Edge Of Glory" som jag spelade in häromdagen.Länken till youtube ligger här nedanför i bloggen!!
Gilla och dela gärna :)
Ha det underbart allihop. Nu ska jag återvända till min kopp te.
Have had a big week with a lot of things to do, and the week is not even over yet, haha!
Started good with a day off this tuesday and we celebrated this making cinnamon buns as it was the swedish cinnamon bun day! I was very happy with how they turned out and I delivered to a couple of friends, as I'm not eating any sugar :).
I was a bit worried making them here in Lanzarote, as they don't have a lot of baking things in the supermarkets here. For example... you can never find yeast here. fresh or dry. How do they make bread or pizza? This is very strange for me. I was lucky though as we went to the english supermarket called overseas, and i could find dry yeast there! First time I was baking the buns with this, but it turned out very well! At least i hope my friends think so ;).
The rest of the week has been filled with work and planning for the winter!! Probably will be at least one change in my schedule soon, and I'm sure it will be great :).
Today will be workout, rehearsing, a meeting, and then tonight in lovely marea together with Valerie.
Wishing all of you a great weekend :).
Har haft en hektisk vecka med massor att göra, och den är inte slut än, haha.
Veckan startade bra med en ledig dag i tisdags. Då passade vi på att baka kanelbullar eftersom det var kanelbullens dag i Sverige :).
Jag var väldigt nöjd över hur de blev så jag åkte ut och levererade till några vänner, eftersom jag själv inte äter socker!
Jag var lite orolig över att baka här på Lanzarote eftersom det knappt går att få tag på några ingredienser till bakning i affärerna här. Till exempel....jäst!! Finns inte att få tag på i någon spansk matbutik. Det får mig verkligen att undra hur dom bakar bröd eller pizza här! Är inte detta väldigt underligt?
Som tur va så hittade jag torrjäst i en engelsk supermarket som heter overseas! Första gången jag bakade kanelbullar med torrjäst men det funkade bra! Hoppas i alla fall att mina vänner tycker det ;).
Resten av veckan har varit fylld med jobb och planering inför vintern. Kommer förmodligen att bli minst en ändring i mitt schema framöver och jag är säker på att det kommer att bli riktigt bra :).
Dagen kommer fyllas med träning, sångövningar, möte och sen ikväll står jag på scenen på marea tillsammans med underbara Valerie!.
Önskar er alla en underbar helg!